Global Fatty Liver Day


Jun 2024


Join us THIS Thursday as we celebrate Global Fatty Liver Day!

Global Fatty Liver Day, formerly referred to as International Nash Day, is just around the corner! This year marks Global Fatty Liver Day’s 7th and the theme is Act Now, Screen Today. Texas Liver Foundation will be joining Global Liver Institute and other organizations across the nation as we leverage this day to promote awareness of this potentially deadly disease

Together with our partners at Apex Mobile Clinical Research, TLF will be hosting free community liver screenings (fibroscans) between 2:00-5:00pm at the United Way Community Resource Center located at 50 Waugh Drive in Houston. There is free parking at the facility and you are once inside, you can find us in Meeting Rooms A and B.

The current statistics are startling, as 1 in 3 adults and 1 in 10 children in the United States have Fatty Liver Disease. It can oftentimes be reversed if caught early enough, but unfortunately most people who have it don’t even know because of the lack of symptoms in its early stages. If left untreated, Fatty Liver Disease can lead to significant liver damage and sometimes liver failure. Act today in order to prevent issues tomorrow!

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